Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome Ladies

Well, here we are... getting started with our blog!!!

Trina envisioned a 39lb challenge and thought it would be a great way to keep up with one another by having a blog. So here it is!

I'll be prettying it up and adding information I think will be helpful to us.

Why don't we all go ahead and introduce ourselves and share what our goal is. It doesn't have to be 39lbs... it could be less or more. Or maybe it's not a number, but a daily intention or a good habit you want to start and stick with.

Whatever it is, just post about it and come back to share often!

Looking forward to being on this journey with you all!


1 comment:

  1. Tracye,
    Thank you so Much for getting us started! Today was a great Vallentine's day! I will be brief since I am ignoring the husband just now. I made Healthy Oatmeal cookies today and added some extra cinnamon and nuts. They were excellent! Anywho...I worked out fore only 15 min today. I am taking it slow. I did have my green drink which is not only tasty but refreshing! Cilantro, ginger and water blended welll......Sipp and enjoy! I am looking forward to chatting it up and dropping the pounds sisters!
    My prayer is that God continues to give us strength as we take every day that he gives us. That we HONOR Him as he would want us to. Knowing that life is NOT what we want it to be BUT what God has entended for us. I live in Collossians 3:23 and it helps me to know that what I do today and every day will be rewarded when I am with our LORD!
    AMEN and be Blessed!
